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Keeping Track of Revenue

As an accounting major in college, I quickly learned all of the complicated parts of the accounting cycle. I discovered how to input the details of business transactions into a computerized accounting system. At the end of an accounting cycle, such as a month, I became experienced with calculating the revenue for the period. If you’re starting a new business, determining an accurate amount of revenue for each accounting cycle is crucial. You must know how much profit you’re making each accounting period in order to be successful in the long-term. On this blog, you will discover how an experienced accountant can help you keep track of your revenue.

Keeping Track of Revenue

How Much Retirement Savings Is Really Enough?

by Avery Jenkins

In years past, some people could invest a small percentage of their income into a 401k savings account and rest assured that once they retired, they would be able to sustain. However, as the cost of living has increased over the decades, this generic formula could leave many people with too little for their post-working years. When it comes to determining how much to save, there is no simple guideline. There are only a series of factors to consider that can lead you in the appropriate direction. 

Professional Feedback

For the most accurate assessment of your savings needs, always begin with a sit-down with a financial consultant. The main reason this process is so important is that there are several nuances that people are often unaware of or may have overlooked when it comes to different ways to save, how to maximize 401k plans, various investment options, and even potential tax penalties.

Retirement Age

Another important factor that will determine how much you need is the age you plan to retire. In theory, a person can decide to retire at any age, but they will only enjoy their time off if they plan correctly. For instance, two people earning the same income and with the same amount of expenses would need to prepare differently if one person planned to retire at 50 and the other at 70. The earlier you want to retire, the more aggressive a plan you need. 

Post-Work Plans

Consider what you want your retirement to look like, as this will heavily impact what amount you need to save. For example, consider someone who spent most of their years working 60+ hours a week with little time for a vacation that wants to spend their retirement years traveling and someone who spent most of their working years away from home and wants to spend their retirement years at home. Likely, the person with extensive travel plans would need more money to sustain. 

Financial Liabilities

Do not overlook your financial liabilities as you head into retirement. Someone with a mortgage, credit card debt, and a car loan may need to have more money saved than someone who is debt-free. Not only is it best to assess your obligations, but it is also helpful to minimize them before you retire; a professional can help with both. 

As always, get help when you need it. A financial consultant can sit down with you no matter where you are in your journey toward retirement to help you plan accordingly. For more information, contact a financial consulting firm.
